Following careful consideration and review, the Board announces that the Australian National Piano Award will not proceed as planned for September 2020.
The Award is postponed to 4 – 9 October 2021 and will be hosted in Shepparton at Riverlinks Eastbank.
At the end of March, 23 applications were received to enter the Award despite the shadow of the COVID-19 global pandemic.
All applicants have indicated that they are available for 2021 Award, if they are selected to perform in a week of solo recitals in Shepparton and strive to win over $65,000 in prize money.
The three Award adjudicators from Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia are also able to commit to judging the 2021 Award.
The Award adjudicators are currently reviewing the applications and the Board look forward to announcing the selected finalists prior to the 2021 Award.