
Melbourne dentist Timothy Chiang one of 12 finalists in prestigious piano award

ABC TV NEWS: Producer Cathy Jacobs - Meets two finalists from this year's Australian National Piano Award and is impressed with what she found

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The Flags are up, lining the street - Wecome to Pianists

It's been two years in the making and finally the musicians and judges have arrived from far and wide.

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Micheal Li is as quiet as a mouse, but his music playing isn't

Learn a little more about this lovely fellow who is new to the scene.

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Finally, they are here - Monday it begins - Order of Play

The musicians were welcomed by the Mayor Cr Dinny Adem, the Judges and the Board shared their views and the order of play was announced.

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Kathy Chow is realising her dreams

Introducing Kathy Chow, she has her sights set on the music scene in London. We caught up with her recently and she told us a bit about herself.

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23 year old Wongthagi pianist, Joshua Hook

We're looking forward to meeting you Josh, thanks for giving us some insights about you and your life . . . .

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Tim Chaing shared with us his story

This is the first time Tim Chiang has entered the Australian National Piano Award. It's also the first time a full-time Dentist has made it as a finalist!

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Berta is on her way and she wants the title

Berta Brozgul entered the Award in 2014, she had the flu and is making sure she is as healthy and ready as possible to do her best this time around.

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Let's discover a little bit more about Michael Li

He loves eating Seafood Laska. He's one of the youngest finalists in 2016. He's 22 and is from Templestowe in Melbourne

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Oliver She (pronounced 'Shay') shares a little bit about himself

He was born in China, but has been living in Queensland for many years (apart from when he is travelling). He has just returned from the U.K. to make it to Shepparton. And he gets regular cravings for Kentucky Fried Chicken

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